Save the Critters

Save the Critters

So you listened to Episode 62 and now you love chickens as much as we do! Despite being one of the most popular domesticated animals on the planet, chickens don’t always live the best lives. And because they are completely dependent on humans, it is our job to do what we can to help make their lives better.

  1. Advocate for better conditions for chickens: Whether or not you choose to eat chicken products, you can still help advocate for better farming practices. Many chickens are kept indoors in confined spaces where they don’t have the freedom to express their natural behaviors. There are lots of organizations out there working to make change, but check out the Compassion in World Farming website for a good look at global efforts that bring all communities together for change (farmers, animal advocates, pro-sustainability advocates and more!)
  2. Shop ethically: If you’re like us and chicken meat and eggs are part of your diet, you can absolutely find ways to shop ethically. Don’t rely on labels like “cage free” or “organic” when purchasing your meat or eggs because those labels can be sneakily deceptive! Instead, follow these resources:
    • If you can, buy local! Buying eggs (and even meat) from a friend, family member, neighbor, or community farm near you can help you ensure you know that the chickens and eggs you consume are from healthy, cared for, thriving chickens.
    • Check up on brands in your local supermarket! You can check the Certified Humane website for a list of brands and producers that are committed to humanely keeping chickens.
    • Try this short and sweet list of a few ethical, recognizable brands you can purchase from.
  3. Raise your own chickens: If you’ve got some outdoor space, a chunk of change for initial set up cost, and are legally allowed…you could also try your hand at raising and keeping your own chickens! They make fun, entertaining, and rewarding pets while also providing you eggs (for a few years) and high quality compost assistance (for their whole lives!)
  4. Reduce chicken in your diet: Whether you choose to go vegetarian or vegan, or just want to lessen your contribution to questionable farming practices you can also opt to reduce or eliminate chicken/eggs from your diet.
  5. Tell the world about chickens: Share all your new knowledge of how unique, intelligent, and valuable chickens are. Help your friends make the same new choices you’re making and together we can create a better world for chickens everywhere!